Friday, February 12, 2010

Equivalent To 700 Calories Concerning Shows Like "I Eat 33,000 Calories A Day" And Big Medicine. How Do The Obese People Afford The Food?

Concerning shows like "I eat 33,000 calories a day" and Big Medicine. How do the obese people afford the food? - equivalent to 700 calories

For example, spent a kind of "self than 33,000 ..." equivalent to one days, which ate a normal person eat in 2 weeks. Another person on average $ 25 per day only chocolate bars. I am a professional with a very good salary, but if I ATE 2 weeks food in a day, and repeat every day that soon broke out. certainly not $ 25 per day, $ (700 per month), candy Pass) alone (without the rest of the meal. Can you live with morbid obesity tend to be rich and independent? It seems that a poor person could get up to 700 pounds overweight, is solely due to lack of funds. Who knows, please explain.


gillian4... said...

Although I have no source for this response (see some other similar shows), here are my thoughts:
Man, if only because there are many more obese No, most people who are morbidly not independently wealthy people richer.
Although this is not custom chocolate bar would cost very easy to obese from eating cheap food is fast food, which is particularly rich in calories and fat, but it only costs a few dollars.
Many, many Americans are heavily in debt. If there is a lack of impulse control to keep your weight within normal range, it follows that the expenditure is beyond their means to feed their addiction to food. You might ask the same question about people who are ThamesIves addicted to cocaine or heroin, the drugs are expensive. They are not rich, but they find ways to support their needs in one or the other way.

starrych... said...

It probadly receive food stamps.
I would prefer money for a program for weight loss or stomach staples.

jennaonn... said...

In reality, that really does not weathy, I realized that the food you eat food that is the wish - you know, for weeks and weeks to come from a family of 7 ... Such as rice and beans and potatoes and spagetti ... Things that are not healthy a lot of heat and cooking for many people.

Kit Kat said...

Good question ........ But like all other addicts can find the money.

Fröken Fräken said...

NeutronBomb I think that may be right. Many of them are overweight, so that they can not work for them to receive government subsidies. You probably have not left much as they spend their money on food. Maybe I'm generalizing, but I think.

jbird said...

This observation is very interesting. I do not know the answer,) but from personal observations (at the risk of generalization, it appears that most obese people I've met are rich, independent or not. On the other hand, rich people, I found that most are not obese.

-- said...

I saw a few shows, where morbid obesity is in bed, he could barely move, and always eat his heart. Mentioned as someone who is addicted to them, and like any other addiction, which is the money. It seems like such a waste .. There are people who can not afford all here and obese people consume 20-30x more calories than you need to feed every day. The price is always the main problem. I do not know how you do not understand it themselves, how they fit 30,000 calories of food at once .. is totally absurd.

leah j said...

Well, this is a statement MCcdonald $ 1 double cheeseburger, have 2 cakes for $ 1, and so on, think of the chocolate bar arrangement, maybe they are funds of disability if they are obese, Alway or not Mom and Dad, probabley begain with the order.

GirlsAre... said...

We pay the bill with our taxes!

It is a vicious cycle ... so large that end in specific social and disability ... then use the money to fund their habits too selfish! Uncle Sam is our hard-earned money to support these people? "Write to your local MP about this!

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